
The Canaanites: Their History and Culture from Texts and Artifacts is unavailable, but you can change that!

The term Canaanite will be familiar to anyone who has even the most casual familiarity with the Bible. Outside of the terminology for Israel itself, the Canaanites are the most common ethnic group found in the Bible. They are positioned as the foil of the nation of Israel, and the land of Canaan is depicted as the promised allotment of Abraham and his descendants. The terms Canaan and Canaanites...

came to all of Israel and Israel went out to meet the Philistines in battle” (1 Sam. 4:1). The Philistines—or Peleset, as they were known in the Egyptian textual sources of the New Kingdom—were one of the nine groups of the Sea Peoples who were, at least in part, responsible for the fall of the Bronze Age Levant. After severely weakening Egypt, the Philistines saw their opening to move into the fertile region of Canaan. The archaeological record reflects that the Philistines primarily settled the
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